All Underground mp3

Winds Of Sorrow-Through Twilight...

Winds Of Sorrow__Through Twilight...


New Zealand Atmospheric Black Metal


1. The Winds of Sorrow Howl unto Me (Intro) 01:45  

  2. Walking the Tainted Corridors of Dementia 06:37

   3. Silenced Eternally 05:53 

   4. Beneath a Sea of Tears 06:26 

   5. Shadows Ensnare Me 07:35

   6. Descending Deeper into Insomnia 04:02  

  7. Lament of the Withering World 07:22 

   8. In Desolation I Await Solace 08:24     

Penulis: Unknown

Al Post Winds Of Sorrow-Through Twilight..., Post By Unknown On Day Tuesday 20 December 2011. Thank's to read this post. Unknown Stay Underground Music Mp3… All Mp3Black Metal Gothic Metal Doom Metal Brutal Death Thrash Metal Folk Metal Death Metal Metalcore Etc..........

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