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Cryptic Wintermoon-Of Shadows... And the Dark Things You Fear

Cryptic Wintermoon _____________ Of Shadows... And the Dark Things You Fear

[[ 2005 ]]

Germany Melodic Black Metal


1. The Dark Things You Fear (Intro) 01:13  

  2. Thrashomatic Overdrive 03:18  

3. Portals of Nightfall 05:31  

 4. Bonegrinder 1916 04:45  

5. Synthetic God 03:51   

  6. Where the Oceans Meet Eternity 05:44   

7. Grave Without a Name 03:44  

 8. Once.. in the Windblasted North 06:26 

9. W.A.R. (Without Any Regret) 04:45 

  10. Heavy Armed Assault 04:21 

 11. Open Fire 06:37 

12. Grim Frost (Outro) 01:49

Penulis: Unknown

Al Post Cryptic Wintermoon-Of Shadows... And the Dark Things You Fear, Post By Unknown On Day Saturday 24 December 2011. Thank's to read this post. Unknown Stay Underground Music Mp3… All Mp3Black Metal Gothic Metal Doom Metal Brutal Death Thrash Metal Folk Metal Death Metal Metalcore Etc..........

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